Tighten the Focus


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As reading has progressed, and getting a feel for what looks most interesting and worth pursuing...


The framework is adjusting to narrower look at "What skills are learned in WoW and how/if they transfer into job/school and/or personal life."


Books TBR:


Tipping Point

The World is Flat

A Whole New Mind (in progress)



Engage Me Enrage Me



Don't Bother Me Mom...

Are They Really Ready to Work -- http://21stcenturyskills.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=82&Itemid=40

Perfect Storm


...in order to address "why bother asking these questions, why is this important in any way."


Now: examine what self-reported skills get a rise

Look at the skills of tomorrow:

21st C Learning Skills

ISTE standards for students

ULC gaming and teen skills report

6 key skills addressed in A Whole New Mind


What skills are used on a daily basis? In WoW? Has praticing/developing them in WoW improved (or not) your ability to muster/demonstrate/apply them elsewhere in your life

Likert Scale surveys, surveymonkey? CJ pref's 4 point scales to enforce visible preferences. (Arguable. Sometimes you really do NOT care. Make that an option?)


Questions will require inquiry about shape of one's life activities for demographics.



NOTE: NASA is launching development of educational MMORPG


"NASA also added that another major advantage an MMORPG has is its ability to develop the skill sets employers are looking for. These include strategic thinking, interpretative analysis, problem solving, plan formulation and execution, team-building and cooperation, as well as adaptation to rapid change."





How Computer Games Help Children Learn by David Williamson Shaffer

Don't Bother Me Mom--I'm Learning! by Marc Prensky


Everything Bad is Good for You by Steven Johnson

Digital Game-Based Learning by Marc Prensky

Learning by Doing by Clark Aldrich

Good Video Games and Good Learning by James Paul Gee

Games And Simulations in Online Learning by David Gibson

Mind in Society by L. S. Vygotsky

Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century by David Franklin Warlick


Can Game Development Impact Academic Achievement?




Getting It Wrong: Slaying Myths About Video Games (Part 1 and 2)





"video game developers have become adept practitioners of some of the best findings of cognitive neuroscience. Games are also complex problem-solving systems that develop logical thinking, decision making, and encourage a scientific approach to the unknown."


"the lack of evaluation tools to measure what is being learned."

    ... but see T&L's October 2005 feature "Game Play"




Serious Games Initiative shows off applications for the real world




on what Gee talked about key learning principles at TSSymposium
